Nursing Assessment for Tuberculous Spondylitis

Nursing Assessment for Spondylitis

Nursing Care Plan Nursing Assessment for Tuberculous Spondylitis
Tuberculous spondylitis Tuberculosa spondylitis is a chronic infectious nature of granulomatous infection caused by specific bacteria that is mycubacterium tuberculosa that the vertebral bone (Abdurrahman, et al 1994; 144)

Nursing Assessment for Tuberculous Spondylitis
  1. Identity of clients includes: name, age, sex, occupation, marital status, religion, ethnicity, education, address, date / time in the hospital and medical diagnostics.

  2. History of present illness

    The main complaint on the client tuberculous spondylitis are pain in lower back, encouraging clients to the hospital treatment. At the beginning of radicular pain can be found around the chest or abdomen. Pain is felt to increase at night and gain weight especially during the movement of the spine.

  3. History advance disease

    About the occurrence of tuberculous spondylitis disease is usually preceded by the client in the history of pulmonary tuberculosis.

  4. Family health history

    In clients with tuberculous spondylitis disease one of the causes of clients were or still are in contact with other patients suffering from tuberculosis or the family environment is suffering from these diseases.

  5. Psychosocial History

    Clients will feel anxious to disease in the suffering, so that it looked sad, with a lack of knowledge about the disease, treatment and care against the patient will feel fear and anxiety increased so that his emotions would become unstable and affect the socialization of the patient.

Physical Examination
  1. Inspection.

    Looks weak, pale, and the spine visible form kifosis.

  2. Palpation.

    In accordance with that seen in the spinal state inspection found the gibus in the area of bone infection.

  3. Percussion.

    In the spine there is pain in the infection.

  4. Auscultation.

    In the state of lung auscultation examination found no abnormalities.
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