Nursing Assessment for Diabetes Mellitus

Nursing Assessment for Diabetes Mellitus

Nursing Assessment for Diabetes Mellitus
  1. Family Health History
    Are there families who suffer from diseases such as client ?
  2. Patient Medical History and Prior Treatment
    • How long a client suffering from diabetes ?
    • Gets what kind of insulin therapy ?
    • How to take medication regularly ?
    • What do the client to cope with illness ?
  3. Activity / Rest :
    Tired, weak, Difficult Moves / walking, muscle cramps, decreased muscle tone.
  4. Circulation
    Is there a history of hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, numbness, tingling in the extremities, ulcers on the feet that long healing, tachycardia, changes in blood pressure.
  5. Ego Integrity
    Stress, anxiety
  6. Elimination
    Changes in the pattern of urination (polyuria, nocturia, anuria), diarrhea.
  7. Food / Fluids
    Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, do not follow the diet, weight loss, thirst, the use of diuretics.
  8. Neuro Sensory
    Dizziness, headache, tingling, numbness in muscle weakness, paresthesias, visual disturbances.
  9. Pain / Leisure
    Abdomen tense, pain (moderate / severe)
  10. Respiratory
    Cough with or without purulent sputum (depending on the presence of infection)
  11. Security
    Dry skin, itching, skin ulcer.
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