Nursing Assessment for Gastroenteritis

Nursing Assessment for Gastroenteritis


Gastroenteritis is a condition that causes irritation and inflammation of the stomach and intestines (the gastrointestinal tract). The most common symptoms are : diarrhea, crampy abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Many people also refer to gastroenteritis as "stomach flu." This can sometimes be confusing because influenza (flu) symptoms include : headache, muscle aches and pains, and respiratory symptoms, but influenza does not involve the gastrointestinal tract.

The term stomach flu presumes a viral infection, even though there may be other causes of infection.

Viral infections are the most common cause of gastroenteritis but bacteria, parasites, and food-borne illnesses (such as shellfish) can also be the offending agents. Many people who experience vomiting and diarrhea that develops from these types of infections or irritations think they have "food poisoning," when they actually may have a food-borne illness.(

Nursing Assessment for Gastroenteritis

Systematic assessment includes data collection, data analysis and problem determination. The collection of data obtained by means of intervention, observation, physical examination.
  1. The identity of the client
  2. Health History
    • Early disease: whiny child, anxiety, increased body temperature, anorexia, and diarrhea.
    • Main complaint: the more liquid feces, vomiting, losing a lot of water and electrolytes occur symptoms of dehydration, body weight decreased. In infants, sunken fontanel large, tone and reduced skin turgor, mucous membranes dry mouth and lips, the frequency of bowel movements more than 4 times with the consistency of liquid.
  3. Health history of the past.
    History of the illness, history of immunization.
  4. Family psychosocial history.
    Hospitalization would be a stressor for children as well as for families, anxiety increases if the parents do not know the procedure and treatment of children, after realizing the child's illness, they will react with anger and guilt.
  5. Basic needs
    • Pattern of elimination: will change the exhaust diarrhea for more than 4 times a day, a little urine or infrequently.
    • Pattern nutrition: preceded by nausea, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss led to patient.
    • Sleep and rest patterns will be disrupted because of abdominal distension that would cause discomfort.
    • Pattern hygiene: bathing habits every day.
    • Activity: will be disturbed because the body is very weak and the pain due to abdominal distension.
  6. Physical examination
    • Psychological examination: general condition is weak, consciousness: composmentis to coma, high temperature, rapid and weak pulse, breathing rather quickly.
    • Systematic examination:
      • Inspection: sunken eyes, large fontanel, mucous membranes, mouth and dry lips, weight loss, anal redness.
      • Percussion: presence of abdominal distension.
      • Palpation: less elastic skin turgor
      • Auscultation: bowel sounds hearing.
    • Checking the level of growth.
    • Diarrhea in children will experience disruption due to child dehydration so that body weight decreased.
    • Other Examination
      Stool examination, complete blood and duodenal intubation is to find the cause of the quantitative and qualitative.
Nursing Assessment for Gastroenteritis
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